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How does a farm in a tunnel 100ft below the streets of London, with no heating or natural light, produce food?

How does a farm in a tunnel 100ft below the streets of London, with no heating or natural light, produce food? And not just any food, but food higher in nutrients and using less water and carbon.


At ‘Growing Underground’, a small team of farmers dressed in lab coats, and working under the pink hues of UV lights have converted a disused air raid shelter into a farm that operates regardless of season, weather, or even soil.


This film explores the beginnings of a new agricultural revolution, one based on technological innovation and human ingenuity rather than exploitation of people and planet. We follow a single microgreen seed from planting 33m below to plating up in a cafe on the highstreet above and explore how this small box of greens might just be the answer to both the impending food crisis and the future of our cities.


Produced and Directed by Kate Colley

Edit by Matt Jarvis

Cinematography by Kate Colley, Felipe Rosa, Leo Thom & Miguel Anton

Additional Footage from Matt Jarvis, Sol Milne & Zero Carbon Farms.

With special thanks to Graeme Tong, Fenella Orr Ewing & the team at Growing Underground.

Winner at Jackson Wild 2022 and shortlisted by BAFTA.

GU Poster Dark, Bafta + Jackson Logo  copy.jpeg
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